
What Does a Typical French Home Look Like?

What Does a Typical French Home Look Like?

During Greenheart Travel’s Teach in a Homestay program and High School Abroad program in France, participants live with a host family in an authentic & local French home! All our host families are volunteers, opening their homes simply because they are interested and invested in the cultural exchange experience.

France is a big country, with lots of regional diversity. Every home is different and unique, just like it is in your home country! It can be hard to picture how families live in other countries, so we asked our past participants to share photos of their homestay homes in France. As you can see from the photos below, there is a wide variety of different types homes. These are only a small example of the accommodation you might experience while living in France!

Our alumni shared photos of their apartments and homes so here’s a glimpse of what you can expect in France!

Exterior of a home in Montceau-et-Écharnant


Patio of a home in Merignac

Merignac patio

Various rooms and yard of house in Cestas

cestas full home

Participant’s bedroom in Bordeaux 

bordeaux bedroom

Family living room in Le Coudray 

le coudray living room

Exterior of a home in Central Bordeaux

bordeaux exterior

Yard & Living room of a home in Niort 

Niort Home

Participant’s shared bathroom in Pessac 

bordeaux bathroom

Flower filled patio view in Maisons Alfort 

Maisons Alfort Patio

Participant’s bedroom in Rhodes

rhodes bedroom

Patio & yard view of a home in Tuffe

Tuffe (le mans) patio

Participant’s bedroom in Le Coudray

le coudray bedroom

Participant bedroom & view in Quimper

Quimper bedroom & view

Exterior of a home during multiple seasons in Roncq

Roncq Exterior

14 thoughts on "What Does a Typical French Home Look Like?"

  1. Laura says:

    I am an English teacher in the US. Currently, I teach grades 7,8, and 10. I am interested in teaching English overseas for one month, preferably in July. Any information that you can offer would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    1. Shannon Pedersen says:

      Hi Laura!
      It sounds like you might be interested in our homestay abroad program. You can learn more about the program by visiting our website: https://old.greenhearttravel.org/programs/adult/teach-homestay

  2. Micky says:

    How many rooms are usually in a french house?

  3. bmw2007 says:

    When it comes to decorating, the French already have a leg up on us. Working with centuries of beautiful, intricate architectural details and family heirlooms, it doesn t take much to make a space look (and feel) special and cool. But we don t call French decor effortless for no reason—most often these cool, curated spaces are formed over the years through accumulation and an understanding of important architecture and design movements, rather than through the careful planning of an interior designer.

  4. susan ordain says:

    How much is a typical french home?

    1. Nick says:

      About 5

  5. aly blackett says:

    these are nice house

    1. 30-40 Olives says:


  6. Tara says:

    I’m sorry I didn’t day how Many bedrooms. Do they have 2 bathrooms in most of them

  7. Tara says:

    These houses are nice inside and out. I would love to live in France we my hubby and I retire. I need some insite on price ranges of homes to buy or rent , and the best areas to live

    1. Chase Chisholm says:

      Hi, Tara! We don’t know the price of homes in France. We provide opportunities for people to live in French host homes during a study or teach abroad program.

  8. ShAron Forese says:

    I live in us and I want to move to France I want a house rent to own around 450 to pay for rent to own

    1. Megan Arzbaecher says:

      Hi Sharon! That’s great to hear that you are interested in going to France. We do not offer any programs where you rent your own room. We do offer a homestay program which you can learn about here: https://old.greenhearttravel.org/program/adult/teach-homestay/france-language-homestay

  9. Tonya says:

    Wow. Great job. Thanks for doing this!!

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