
Want to Live Abroad for a Few Months? Here’s How…


Living abroad is not just for high school or university students taking advantage of a gap year. There are numerous opportunities to experience life in another country, work on your foreign language skills, and enjoy the newness of a culture that fits into a working schedule.

Greenheart Travel’s Teach in a Homestay programs give globetrotters a chance to live like a local without having to commit to a year away from a job or school. Plus, teaching in a homestay is an amazing way to boost your resume and immerse yourself in another language and culture for 1-3 months at a time. Still not sure if this program is a good fit?

Mikaela on a gondola ride in Venice during Carnivale.

Here are a few more reasons to consider this unique opportunity to travel for a change:

1. You can choose your start date.

You can choose to go any time of year that works best for you. Are you a teacher with a summer break or a recent high school or college graduate looking for real-world experience before jumping into the next chapter of your life? Customize your program to fit your schedule with year-round start dates. Just be sure to apply at least 8 weeks before you would like to go, and we will have a host family ready to greet you.

2. Build your resume without a long term commitment: 1-3 month contracts.

Many people would love to have the experience of teaching abroad but don’t have the time to take a semester or year away from their lives at home. Being a homestay teacher abroad is great for students and teachers on summer break or anyone just wanting to take some time off of work. Build your resume with teaching experience, improve your foreign language skills, show off examples of being able to adapt to new environments and of course, gain international perspective in an increasingly connected world.

3. Experience life as a local by living with a host family.

Host families love to teach their homestay teachers about their country, show them around and introduce them to their family and friends. You will become a part of the community, which is way more exciting than being a tourist!

4. Flexible schedule with lots of free time to travel.

When you are a homestay teacher, you only teach English for 15 hours per week. The rest of the time is yours to explore the area, travel and make friends from around the world. Lots of our teachers get involved in the community by volunteering, taking language classes, or joining local social groups that match their interests.

5. It won’t break the bank!

You can do a 3 month program for around $20 per day! Living in Europe for 3 months can get expensive when you add up the cost of meals and hotels or apartments and utilities. But when you live with a host family, you don’t have to worry about any of this. Your host family provides your accommodations and three meals per day, and you are better able to budget and save for your unforgettable time abroad.

Want to learn more about how you can have a more meaningful travel experience abroad?

Check out our homestay teaching opportunities

24 thoughts on "Want to Live Abroad for a Few Months? Here’s How…"

  1. Carmen Valdez says:

    Hello I am looking to travel abroad for a couple of months. Was not really thinking about working but then I landed on your website. I’m interested. I’m retired in my late 50’s, single and a female. Interested in Europe or Mexico. How do I see if I qualify?

    1. Haldis Toppen says:

      Hello! Sorry for the delay. For more information on our programs, please reach out to our email travelabroad@greenheart.org. Cheers, Greenheart Travel

  2. Zach Wall says:

    Hi my name is zach I’m 23 and have no teaching experience but I want to live abroad some where for half a year or something and I’m looking for tips on how to do so. I have no idea where to start.

  3. Vanessa Williams says:

    Do u need to be a college graduate or have a teaching degree?

    1. Amanda Tazioli says:

      Nope! No degree or teaching experience required.

  4. Tanya says:

    Is it possible for a married couple to do this, or is it only for single people traveling for cultural immersion, solo?

    1. Sara Thacker says:

      We accept couples on almost all of our programs!

  5. Zane says:

    How much of the local language do you have to know?

  6. Jorden Black says:

    Africa or Asia for sure. Somewhere with lots of diversity between cultures and spirituality’s. But also somewhere that has lost of interesting landscapes mountains and forests.

  7. LaChrisha Randle says:

    Hi there. Would love to experience Paris France or Spain. Currently live in the United States in California.

    1. Chase Chisholm says:

      That’s exciting! We have programs in all three destinations! Have you had a chance to look through our website for more information?

  8. Maria says:

    i live and work in the UK and i would love to teach english for two months in Spain preferably in Barcelona or Andalusia!I cant wait to hear from you!

    1. Megan Arzbaecher says:

      Hi Maria, thanks for your comment. It is great to hear that you are interested in our programs. It sounds like our Teach in a Homestay program in Spain would be a good fit for you since we offer placements in the Andalusia region! You can learn more about that and start your application today here: https://old.greenhearttravel.org/program/adult/teach-homestay/spain-language-homestay

  9. Reggie says:

    I have an opportunity to take a sabbatical this year and am looking to live abroad, preferably somewhere in Europe, for a month with family in tow. As much as I would like to have free time to travel and see the sights, I am most interested in a cultural/country immersion where I have an opportunity to work/teach/volunteer. Any ideas/suggestions?

    1. Chase Chisholm says:

      Hello, Reggie! We have plenty of opportunities for you to immerse in another country/culture! Please have a look at our website for program specifics and reach out with any particular questions you may have about the application process. Thank you!

  10. Sandy says:

    Mid 60s couple want to live in iceland for 6 months. How do we start?

  11. Cindy Colby says:

    Interested in teaching English anywhere with the homestay program!

  12. Aroobaiftikhar says:

    My big wish i am go abroad and study in few month

  13. Caroline says:

    Looking for something interesting cultural to fill 2 or 3 months

  14. julia ivankova says:

    Hello, I am a Ukrainian living in Egypt, I’ve moved here since year 2000. I love learning new things all the time.Indulging in a culture is a mesmerizing experience to me. Egypt is a very rich country that has many different subcultures to offer. I manage to learn about different things everyday. I am very friendly and easy going person, i respect people and must be respected in return. With so many troubles in the world, one does not know where to start trying to figure out a way to help the society or at least add any aid towards healthy communities.
    The only rational statement would be in my case is: “I’m no super hero to save the world, however i can help myself and empower myself enough to have the power and confidence to make a change”. I have started looking for an opportunity to experience a different country & culture for a short period of time (minimum of three months, maximum for a year) anywhere I could use English language. I am a graduate of year 2015 with Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Advertising and Public Relations with second upper honors. I have been working for one year as Sales & Marketing Associate for a hotel.
    I really wish to a find a chance to travel abroad (Greece, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Australia, Spain or Brazil, or actually anywhere that is suitable) and have the opportunity to learn and gain new experience.

    1. Bill says:

      Very nice Julia, you have a nice way of sharing your story.

  15. Mateo says:

    Hi! My name is Mateo,I’m 15 years old and i live in Tirana Albania.I would like to visit Essen for one month.My parents are coming too for one month

  16. Tasha Marshall says:

    Hi! I’m really interested in traveling to Brazil.

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